Floor Supply, Lay and Repair
We can supply, lay and repair any wooden flooring.
For a quote call us on 0115 987 8239

Block flooring is a type of flooring that consists of individual blocks of flooring installed to provide a geometric style pattern. These floor blocks tend to be fitted by gluing directly to the subfloor with a flooring adhesive. The most frequent choice of pattern to lay flooring blocks is in a Herringbone style.

Boards come in various widths, lengths and thickness’s. Most are laid over and fixed into joist by nailing through the tongue. We can repair all types of boarded flooring whether its a broken loose or rotten.

Mosaic Panels
5 individual fingers per square laid at right angels to each other, mosaic panels are adhered to the solid sub floor with adhesive.

A factory produced solid board consisting of smaller boards dovetailed together. Junckers comes in a variety of different timbers. This type of flooring can fixed three ways. Nailed to joist, Glued to a sub floor or clipped together as a floating floor making it very versatile

Usually found in Sports halls Granwood is a composite block flooring laid on to a solid sub floor or more recently onto plywood sheets which is known as Gransprung. The blocks can be laid in several different patterns in a selection of different colors. Granwood can only be sealed with a specialized lacquers designed to be used with this type of floor.